

G19 The Breakthrough to Shodan, Miyamoto

Artikelnr: 100366

Van voormalige Ishi Press, nieuwe herdruk uitgegeven door The Kiseido Publishing Company.
Oorspronkelijke druk 1976, geschreven door Miyamoto Naoki 9-dan. Herdruk in 2015. 160 pagina's.
ISBN 978-4-87187-019-1

Samenvatting van achterkant:
"In this unique treatment of low-handicap go a 9-dan professional sets out to change your whole approach to the game.
Step by step he shows you how to take the initiative, how to attack, how to handle the corners, and how to keep the game simple, all the while relentlessly hammering away at the negative mentality that keeps lpayers from advancing.
Absorb what he has to say, and the opponents you once feared may soon have to fear you."




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G19 The Breakthrough to Shodan, Miyamoto

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