

G27 Kato's Attack and Kill, Kato Masao

Artikelnr: 100367

Voormalig Ishi Press, nieuwe herdruk uitgegeven door The Kiseido Publishing Company.
Oorspronkelijke druk 1978, geschreven door Kato Masao 9-dan. Herdruk uit 2015. 216 pagina's.
ISBN 978-4-87187-027-6

Van de achterflap van het boek:
"Attacking enemey stones is one of the most basic elements in any game of go, yet surprisingly little has been written about the theory of attacking. Methods of attack, selection of a target, timing, contriving a double attack - these are techniques which require a lot of trial and error to master.
'Kato's Attack and Kill' offers an invaluable shortcut. The author, Kato Honinbo, is known and feared as one of the most aggressive attacking players in modern go and in this book he presents a thorough and practical analysis of all the elements essential for such a successful attack.
There are numerous examples from actual play, a problem selection, and a selection of Kato's own games which feature attacking and killing large groups.
Reading this book will transform your game."



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