

G3 Modern Joseki and Fuseki volume 2, Sakata Eio

Artikelnr: 100388

Voormalig Ishi Press, nieuwe herdruk uitgegeven door The Kiseido Publishing Company.
Eerste druk 1970, geschreven door Sakata 'the Razor' Eio 9-dan Honinbo. Derde druk 2007, herdruk van die versie uit 2015. Pagina's 177-347.
Sub-titel: The Opening Theory of Go.
Tweede deel van twee.

ISBN 0-923891-76-5

"Designed for all ranks of Go players, here is a systematic study of modern Even-game Opening Theory.
Professional methods are discussed in the simplest terms, while help is given to the reader who wants to develop a more sophisticated game.
Most of the basic opening formulae are described in this volume and these (the komoku, san-san, and mokukadzushi josekis) are analyzed in the context of recent championship matches.
Profusely illustrated, packed with information, this book includes a special section giving Definitions of Japanese Go Terms."

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G3 Modern Joseki and Fuseki volume 2, Sakata Eio

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