

A Step A Day To Improve - Go Seigen Tsumego Collection

ISBN 978-3-98794-008-8, 204 pages
Art.No. BNS008

  • Gratis verzenden vanaf 60,- in NL.
  • Snel geleverd (1-3 dagen gem.)
  • Persoonlijk advies

This book is the second volume of Go Seigen‘s Tsumego Collection, again a brilliant selection of 200 problems, each and every containing amazing tesuji and surprising moves. When you come to think you have the right answer, you will have to read it again just to be sure, much like you did in the previous volume.

There are many, many surprising moves in Go, especially in Go Seigen’s Tsumego.

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A Step A Day To Improve - Go Seigen Tsumego Collection
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