

Queens Speelkaarten

Aantal Kaarten/Amount of Cards: 52 + 2 jokers + promo kaart
Merk/Brand: Laurence King
Formaat/Size: Poker (64 x 89 mm)
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Enter the world of huge hair, sparkling makeup, glitter galore, fake eyelashes and the fine art of the tuck and tape! Thesde playing cards feature 14 of the most famous, most beautiful, and most outrageous queens from across the carnival court of drag. Playing cards with the Queens will have you Livving for It with Legendary games of snap, Fabulous hands of Canasta, and they can Call You Mother when you win!

Danielle Henríquez is an illustrator based in Chile. Self-taught, she enjoys workking in watercolor and pencil, taking inspiration from people around her, fashion, nature, and animals. She has collaborated with Frankie magazine, Papyrus, Teelocker, and Soft Gallery, and her work is featured in the books Just Add Watercolor and Cool Illustration.

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